Monday 15 July 2013

The Print Media: It is beyond one’s Imagination (Part – 1)

Today, the volume of Indian Print media has expanded many-fold beyond doubt. We intend to discuss it at length and breadth to make the readers well aware about its actual size, volume and relationship with the readers. The size and volume is extensive and stretched all over, in the areas like reporting, editorial, printing and circulation. The readership is touching 100 million.   

The facets are many besides the periodicity, languages, circulation and the readership which counts to success. About 1026 publication houses in print media with 655 dailies and 371 periodicals comprising of weeklies, bi-weekly, fortnightlies, monthlies, quarterlies, half-yearly or annually in different languages. These 1026 constitute of 341 large publication houses with circulation above 75,001, 417 medium with above 25001 upto 75,000 and 282 small publications with 25,000 or below.

Publications & Periodicity            

The Andhra Pradesh has 58 publications with 48 dailies, 10 periodicals, Assam 20 with 13 dailies and 7, Bihar 07 dailies, Chandigarh 10 dailies, Chattisgarh 12 dailies, Delhi has 175 with 57 dailies and 118 periodicals, Goa 04 dailies, Gujarat 35 with 33 dailies and 02, Haryana 08 with 07 dailies and 01, Himachal Pradesh 05 with 03 dailies and 02. The states of Jammu & Kashmir and Jharkhand have 12 dailies each. Karnataka 37 with 26 dailies and 11, Kerala 42 with 20 dailies and 22, Madhya Pradesh 43 with 39 dailies and 04, Maharashtra 202 with 95 dailies and 107,  Manipur 03 dailies, Meghalaya 05 with 02 dailies and 03, Mizoram 01 daily, Nagaland 01 daily, Orissa 12 with 10 dailies and 02, Pudducherry 04 dailies, Punjab 20 with 16 dailies and 04, Rajasthan 46 with 41 dailies and 05, Tamil Nadu 81with 50 dailies and 31, Tripura 05 dailies, Uttar Pradesh 99 with 82 dailies and 17, Uttrakhand 16 with11 dailies and 05 and lastly the West Bengal 51 with 31 dailies and 20.

Distribution Language

Andhra Pradesh has English 10, Hindi 02, Telugu has 42 and Urdu 04 publications, Assam has 02 English, 02 Hindi, 14 Assamese, 01 each Bengali and Khasi, Bihar 01 English, 05 Hindi and 01 bi-lingual, Chandigarh 04 English, 03 Hindi, 03 Punjabi, Chattisgarh 01 English and 11 Hindi, Delhi have  74 English, 65 Hindi, 10 Urdu and 26 regional languages , Goa 02 each in English and Marathi,  Gujarat 02 English, 03 in Hindi and 30 Marathi, Haryana 06 Hindi, 01 each Punjabi and English, Himachal Pradesh 05   Hindi, Jammu & Kashmir 06 English, 03 Hindi and 03 Urdu, Jaharkhand 01 English and 11 Hindi, Karnataka 08 English, 02 Urdu, 25 Kannada and 01 each Marathi and Tamil, Kerala 03 English and 39 Malyalam language, Madhya Pradesh 02 English, 39 Hindi and 02 Urdu, Maharashtra 96 English, 24 Hindi , 02 Urdu, Marathi 61 and 19 other regional languages, Manipur 01 English and 02  Manipuri, Meghalaya 04 English and 01 Khasi, Nagaland 01  English, Orissa 01 English and 11 Oriya, Pudducherry 04 Tamil, Punjab 09 Hindi, 01 Urdu and 10 Punjabi, Rajasthan 42 Hindi and 01 each in Rajasthani and Sindhi, Tamil Nadu 19 English and 62 Tamil, Tripura 05 Bengali, Uttar Pradesh 06 English, 82 Hindi, 04 Urdu, 01 Punjabi and 06 bilingual,  Uttarakhand 02 English ( 01 bi-lingual), 14 Hindi, West Bengal 11 English, 08 Hindi, 03 Urdu, 27 Bengali and 01 each Punjabi and Nepali language.  

Circulation & Publications

       The circulation across country is about 7,15,69,000 from 1026 publications of different periodicity, with 5,65,19,860 from 655 dailies, 64,09,829 from 134  weeklies, 26,01,205 from 50 fortnightlies, 67,700 from 03 bi-monthlies, 58,55,719 from 173 monthlies and 1,14,687 from 05 quarterlies.

        There is circulations of 78,32,806 from 58 publications in Andhra Pradesh, 8,39,174 from 20 in Assam, 6,70,622 from 07 in Bihar, 5,54,219 from 10 in Chandigarh, 6,62,985 from 12 in Chhatisgarh, 50,06,531 from 175 in Delhi, 77,942 from 04 in Goa, 5,26,604 from 35 in Gujarat, 3,37,472 from 08 in Haryana, 1,36,391 from 05 in Himachal Pradesh, 10, 15, 273 from 12 in Jammu & Kashmir, 7,74,059 from 12 in Jaharkhand, 30,23,465 from 37 in Karnataka, 74,20,163 from 42 in Kerala, 26,65,830 from 43 in Madhya Pradesh, 1,12,81,014 from 202 in Maharashtra, 83,120 from 03 in Manipur, 1,33,314 from 05 in Meghalaya, 65,468 from 01 in Mizoram, 55,138 from 01 in Nagaland, 18,41,468 from 12 in Orissa, 89,324 from 04 in Pudducherry, 21,93,311 from 20 in Punjab, 40,50,551 from 46 in Rajasthan, 93,02,610 from 81 in Tamil Nadu, 1,76,495 from 05 in Tripura, 56,60,464 from 99 in Uttar Pradesh, 5,25,299 from 16 in Uttarakhand and 45,67,888 from 51 in west Bengal.  In addition to the aforesaid details there are few publications though registered with the Registar of Newspapers of India but they are not member of the Indian Newspaper Society.  

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